Over 30 million men in the united states suffer with some form of erectile dysfunction. Over the past 20 years new drugs like Viagra and Cialis have come on the market and have helped millions of men beat erectile dysfunction, but these medications don’t always work and not appropriate for all men.
In this healthy living lecture series we will talk about erectile dysfunction
- Causes: Some of the causes I am sure you will know and some causes you may not know
- We will discuss how balancing your hormones can improve erectile dysfunction
- We will talk about customized / compounded solutions when standard medications like Vigara and Cialis are not effective
- And lastly we will talk about natural ways to get to some of the root causes of erectile dysfunction.
As with all of our lecture series I truly hope you will learn something you didn’t know before.
Guys, remember there are options for erectile dysfunction, even when that little blue pill stops working.
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